192) Brou-ha-ha is no joke…

The Cancel Culture, Censorship and Responsibility Conundrum…

I probably spend too much time thinking about freedom of speech and the perils of censorship.

I think the conversation David Chappelle’s The Closer has created is thought provoking and necessary. 

I firmly oppose censorship, but I do believe in responsibility, both corporate and personal. At the head of The Closer, Netflix posts that it is rated for Mature Audiences. I don’t think that tiny label in the upper left corner of the screen is sufficient to alert the viewer of controversial content. Perhaps there should be a stronger warning, full screen and held long enough to read. Hey Netflix, a stronger disclaimer would probably increase viewership.

Today’s Brewster Rockit by Tim Rickard shows the problem of censorship

I watched The Closer more out of curiosity than the need for entertainment.

Congratulations Netflix, you hooked me. 

I’m not a fan of Mr. Chappelle’s work. The show had a few funny moments, but the transphobic routine was unpleasant. Maybe that’s the intent? I don’t know. I found his story about Daphne Dorman to be manipulative and disingenuous. 

If one were to substitute people of a different race or religion as the target of Mr. Chappelle’s humor, there would probably be a larger negative response. But think of the ratings.

There is, of course, a long human tradition of making fun of anybody deemed other or weaker.  It bothers me when anyone makes fun of people who are just trying to live as their truest selves and are not hurting others

My October 5, 2020 blog post reflects some of the continuing struggle I have with cancel culture. It is difficult when people (even those whose work you’ve admired) turn out to be a disappointment in their personal conduct. Should I really not read any more J.K. Rowling? Should I  boycott Krogers and Home Depot? I signed off of Facebook, because I find Zuckerberg’s conduct objectionable. Yet, these enterprises generate a lot of work for a lot of people who, perhaps, are as repulsed by their employer’s political or social positions as I am. Ultimately, of course, each individual has to weigh what does or doesn’t work for them.

I won’t watch any more Chappelle shows. For me, his “art” promotes a distasteful point of view. But censor him? Nah, too slippery a road. 

The shadow of hate in comedy…

 If you have any questions or comments, please email me at themythfits@gmail.com


193) Thanksgiving 2021…


191) Schlemiels…