194) New Rant…

I started to compile a list of all the disgusting members of the House of Representatives and the Senate and quickly realized that there were too many to fit in one blog post. In fact, I could probably fill my blog for a few years just delving into the atrocious behavior of these imbeciles. While the vast majority of the list is comprised of brain dead Trumpers, a few obstructionist Democrats qualify as targets of disdain.

I revile any political view that denies voting rights and equal treatment under the law. The dipshits on my list actively and aggressively hurt the people of this country with their lies and misdirection. They block ideas, but offer no solutions of their own. They are more obsessed with power than helping the citizens they are supposed to represent. We need to vote them out.

If you have any questions or comments, please email me at themythfits@gmail.com


195) Comic for Today…


193) Thanksgiving 2021…