98) Reprehensible Representative…

We have some despicable and dangerous members of Congress. We should make every effort to oust them from our government. Not surprisingly, most of these enemies of democracy are Trump Republicans. One such atrocity in the public’s face right now is M.T. Greene. And what a #@*! she is! She almost makes Cruz, Graham and the other Trumper scum look good in comparison. She is really as vile and un-American as they come.

When one considers that a great progressive Senator was pressured to resign over a joking (albeit inappropriate) old photograph and this piece of trash gets to stay in congress, is enough to make one’s head explode. Trumpers have no moral compass and should be cast out. They break their oath to our Constitution with every lying breath they take.

QAnon would more aptly be retitled I.Q.isNone

QAnon would more aptly be retitled I.Q.isNone

If you have any questions or comments, please email me at themythfits@gmail.com.


99) Family Dog…


97) Sammy…