103) Accidental Meetings…


There have been a couple of times that, quite by accident, I’ve met cartoonists I admire. I used to make a regular habit of checking out bookstores. I would delight in just wandering around and looking at new book arrivals, usually focusing on the humor and art sections. One such excursion to Crown Books resulted in my meeting Gary Larson. He was very nice, though a little annoyed that the bookstore hadn’t properly advertised his appearance. In fact, I was practically the only customer in the store at the time. Still, he signed my book and we a had a brief friendly chat.


When Jayme and I lived in Santa Monica, we were shopping at Santa Monica Place (a mall five blocks from the ocean) when we came upon Jim Davis signing books at the mall bookstore. This was before Garfield’s popularity became the phenomenon that gave birth to PAWS, INC. Mr. Davis was very sociable and signed a book for me. About a decade later I was doing a Garfield storyboard for Film Roman Studio.


If you have any questions or comments, please email me at themythfits@gmail.com.


104) Enemies of Democracy…


102) Still More “Just Married”…