122) The Shadow Returns...


I’m still a fanboy when it comes to The Shadow. Will Murray (www.adventuresinbronze.com) has written a couple of very fine stories in the last few years featuring The Shadow, but now Condé Nast (owner of the property) has gotten best selling author James Patterson (www.jamespatterson.com) to write a new adventure that promises to bring the classic character to today’s audiences. 

I’m looking forward to reading this new interpretation. The story apparently uses the trope of The Shadow being in suspended animation, or something like that, and awakening in our current time. This idea has been used a number of times in comic book adaptations, but still has value as a means to bring the character up to date. The true test is in how the story unfolds.

Though I have heard of him, I’ve never read a James Patterson book before. I’m planning on reading some of his work before the July release date of The Shadow...in order to get a taste of Patterson’s style. 


If you have any questions or comments, please email me at themythfits@gmail.com.


123) April Fool’s Day…


121) Arrr! Thar Be Pirates Abroad...