144) Queenie…
Here are a couple of examples of Queenie by Phil Interlandi (1924-2002). This single panel feature ran from 1966 to 1986, a decent run for a comic that was never wildly popular. Though it’s humor was rather tepid, it certainly showcased the drawing talent of Interlandi, who is probably better known for his funnier contributions to various magazines of the time, including Playboy Magazine (where I first discovered his art...and much more), Saturday Evening Post, and Collier’s.
Interlandi was part of a group of cartoonists known as the “Chicago School,” which included other notable figures like Eldon Dedini and Gahan Wilson. His cartoons often featured sharp wit and satirical takes on contemporary society, politics, and human behavior. He was known for his clean, expressive line work and the ability to convey humor and irony effectively through his illustrations.
Phil’s twin, Frank Interlandi, was a noted political cartoonist.
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