147) Invincible…
I mentioned a few posts ago that I was cataloging my comic book collection for sale, charity or whatever. In the course of going through all the comics, I came across a few that have an unexpectedly high value to some collectors.
In 2003 I purchased the first issue of Invincible. I read it, thought it was okay, but not sensational, so I didn’t buy any more issues in the series. I stored the premier issue away with my other comics. Now, eighteen years later, that first issue is quite valuable due to the popularity of Amazon Prime Video’s new animated series adaptation.
Invincible, the animated series, is excellently made. I think it’s one of the best television superhero cartoons I’ve ever seen in respect to storytelling, art direction and animation quality, but it’s definitely not for children due to extreme violence and gore.
I sifted through my comics and put Invincible #1 up for auction on eBay. Frankly, I was flabbergasted by the response. The final bid was way beyond my expectations, earning much more than what I listed for the opening bid.
The upshot is that I may keep mining the collection for pocket money though it’s doubtful that any other comic will match the value of Invincible.
If you have any questions or comments, please email me at themythfits@gmail.com