167) Mell Lazarus…


Miss Peach by Mell Lazarus 9-19-1958

I would occasionally see Mell Lazarus at cartoonist gatherings. He was a very nice person, friendly and engaging. As a youngster I really enjoyed reading Miss Peach and the older me delighted in Momma. Who, with a Jewish mother, could not relate to Sonya Hobbs?


Miss Peach by Mell Lazarus 11-21-1972

When I last saw Lazarus at a local NCS meeting, he seemed very frail and a bit disoriented. I later learned that he was suffering from Alzheimer’s. He passed away in May 2016. He was a brilliant man, writer, cartoonist and Mensa member.

Here are some Mell Lazarus originals from my collection.


Momma by Mell Lazarus 5-23-1971

If you have any questions or comments, please email me at themythfits@gmail.com


168) Racist Comics…


166) Computers…