169) Pearls Before Swine…

Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis

Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis 7-15-2008

One of the more popular strips currently gracing the comics page is Stephan Pastis’ Pearls Before Swine. Pastis had originally planned to be a lawyer, but realized that his heart wasn’t in it. After a few failed submissions to the syndicates, he final found success with PBS, which premiered on December 31, 2001. Though rather primitive in its drawing style, the humor is filled with irony, sarcasm and painfully funny puns.

Pastis has expanded his repertoire to include children’s books (the Timmy Failure and Trubble Town series).

If you have any questions or comments, please email me at themythfits@gmail.com


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