165) Throwing Shade on The Shadow…

I’m not a purist. I don’t mind offbeat, alternative representations of classic characters… if they’re handled with some finesse.

I really wanted to like The Shadow by James Patterson and Brian Sitts.

Unfortunately, I haven’t encountered such a disappointing interpretation since Archie Comics published their version in 1964.

This book is a really terrible interpretation of a classic character. If you are interested in The Shadow from novels, radio, film and/or comics, you will probably not like this recreation. It is a shallow retelling that trashes everything you might have hoped for in a new adventure. Did Condé Nast, the copyright holder of the property, really think this mediocre story would successfully reboot the franchise? James Patterson has written some fine books, but this is not one of them. This book is terrible.


If you have any questions or comments, please email me at themythfits@gmail.com


166) Computers…


164) Masters of the Universe…