207) Another Chachka: Anastasia

My eyes locked on hers. My youthful passion welled up within me. I knew I had to have her. As I slipped my hand into the welcoming cavity of her body, she bolted upright. 

“I am Anastasia,” a rasping voice exclaimed.

Jayme was horrified. 

Emily thought it hilarious.

Jayme, Emily and I had been strolling down Melrose Avenue looking in at number of the usual shops that lined that portion of the street. We had wandered into a novelty shop that displayed an interesting range of new and retro toys. I’ve always been drawn to puppets, so this rubber creature I spied really grabbed my attention. I’m not sure why I picked that name, but it suited her well.

Anastasia is getting on in years now (aren’t we all?), some of the rubber is deteriorating and she is more fragile. Her days of terrorizing Jayme have come to an end.

Or have they??

If you have any questions or comments, please email me at themythfits@gmail.com


208) And Still More Chachkas…


206) Marc Hempel…