gary goldstein

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285) Proud Sufferer of TDS…

President Pig standing on a mound of “MAGAts” that become the toxic flies that swarm around…Well, you know what flies swarm around.

Trump Derangement Syndrome or TDS is a term the brain dead right wingers apply to people like myself who express a deep loathing and fear of Donald J. Trump.

All the reasons for loathing are pretty obvious. Trump is a traitor, a criminal, a bully, an unrepentant liar and cheat, a rapist, a racist, a poor loser, etc., ad infinitum. A rational, discerning individual would have to conclude that Trump is simply a horrible person.

The fear is derived from the realization that so many people are bamboozled by his rhetoric and swear fealty to his bigoted and fascistic viewpoint.

It’s very sad that so many people embrace someone who is truly a villain.

If you have any questions or comments, please email me at