219) Little Iodine…

Original Little Iodine by Jimmy Hatlo 11-13-1949

Little Iodine was a brat whose mischievous behavior tormented her hapless parents, Henry & Cora Tremblechin. Little Iodine graduated from occasional appearances in Jimmy Hatlo’s long running comic panel They’ll Do It Every Time to star in a weekly Sunday feature that ran from 1943 to 1983. 

When Hatlo died in 1963, the comic strip was continued by Al Scaduto, then by Hy Eisman and Bob Dunn. A motion picture of Little Iodine was produced in 1946, but is now considered a “lost” film. Dell Comics produced 58 Little Iodine comic books between 1949 and 1962.

If you have any questions or comments, please email me at themythfits@gmail.com.


220) Autographed Sketches…


218) Little Lulu…