253) Oaky Doaks…

Original Oaky Doaks by R.B.Fuller 4-28-1938

Oaky Doaks was syndicated from 1935 to 1961. It’s main character was a big lunk of a farm boy who aspired to be a knight in shining armor. Astride his plow horse Nellie, Oaky roamed the countryside of the mythical kingdom, trying to right wrongs and rescue those in peril according to his ideas of knightly virtues.

The strip was created by William McCleery (writer) and veteran magazine cartoonist Ralph Fuller (artist). McCleery was an extremely prolific writer and editor and eventually left the strip to pursue other creative obligations. Fuller took on both writing and drawing of the strip with cartoonist Bill Dyer briefly assisting on the Sunday strips.

Oaky Doaks was discontinued when the comics division of the AP Syndicate folded in 1961. Fuller died two years later.

If you have any questions or comments, please email me at themythfits@gmail.com.


254) Raising Cane…


252) Bud Blake…