263) Eyebeam…

Original Eyebeam by Sam Hurt date unknown

Eyebeam is an offbeat comic strip by Sam Hurt. Created in 1979, Eyebeam first appeared in The Daily Texan, the newspaper of The University of Texan at Austin. In 1983 it was picked up by The Austin American Statesman and just a few other newspapers.

In 1990, Sam Hurt created Peaches, Queen of the Universe for the United Feature Syndicate. Peaches was an offshoot of the characters that appeared in Eyebeam, but it failed to capture an audience in national distribution and was cancelled.

Hurt continues to create comic strips, having revived Eyebeam a number of times. You can see more of Sam Hurt’s bizarrely enjoyable work at eyebeam.com

If you have any questions or comments, please email me at themythfits@gmail.com.


264) Hubert…


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