273) Ancient Art & Mum’s the Word…

I recently came across some really old work of mine. Sometime in the early seventies I was trying to develop a comic panel I called Dopple.

Dopple was a gnome-like creature that found himself in weird situations. I think I was going for a Strange World of Mr. Mum feel mixed with Charles Addams.

Posted below is my original Mr. Mum panel by Irving Phillips. As you can see, it wasn’t uproarious stuff, but worthy of a chuckle or two.

Original The Strange World of Mr. Mum by Irving Phillips 12-4-1964

I’ve also posted a recent Brewster Rockit: Space Guy! by Tim Rickard which does a much superior version of the joke I attempted about fifty years ago.

Brewster Rockit is a very fine strip that is available at www.gocomics.com

If you have any questions or comments, please email me at themythfits@gmail.com.


274) The Brownstone Revisited…


272) Nyuk,Nyuk,Nyukucles…