269) John Dempsey…

Original preliminary rough by John Dempsey date unknown

John Dempsey (1920-2003) is best known for his decades of work for Playboy Magazine.

A Navy Seabee during World War II, Dempsey’s talent landed him a position as a staff artist for the official Seabee magazine. After the war he enrolled at the Chouinard Art Institute of Los Angeles. Dempsey was inspired by the works of Peter Arno (“Arno’s great composition and use of black and white.”), William Steig (“Steig’s understanding of people.”), and Virgil Partch (“Partch’s wild imagination.”).

Dempsey made his first professional sale to Collier’s Magazine during his final year at Chouinard. Soon he was selling cartoons to Saturday Evening Post, Cosmopolitan, Look, Better Homes and Garden, and, in 1954, Playboy.

Dempsey was a Playboy Magazine regular until his passing.

If you have any questions or comments, please email me at themythfits@gmail.com.


270) Separated at Birth?


268) Hanging Pictures…