308) Widget to Garfield to Widget…

After I finished working as storyboard supervisor on thirteen episodes of Widget, The World Watcher for Calico Productions, I found work on Garfield for Film Roman Studios. I had only completed one Garfield storyboard when I got a call from Calico asking me to come back as financing had come through to expand Widget to sixty-five episodes. It was a hard decision, but I decided to return to Widget because I knew the crew, knew the working conditions, the commute was easier, and the pay was marginally better.

Few probably remember Widget, but Garfield has steadily continued through many incarnations. Posted below are some storyboard panels from my one and only Garfield effort.

If you have any questions or comments, please email me at themythfits@gmail.com.


309) Tom Thumb…


307) Biker Mice from Mars…