315) More Crafting…

I mentioned in my blog of 7-19 -2022 that Jayme and I were going to start working on crafting up our old pine dining room table. We were still a little skittish about tackling the project, but decided to practice on the table leaf. We figured that if we really screwed it up, we could just flip it over and no one would be the wiser. The trouble with these kind of projects is that while we’re jazzed by the concepts, the time and energy to fulfill them is often lacking. So, work on the table is going very slowly.

Originally we planned to depict designs that had some significant meaning to us individually, but that may change after doing some of the practice work. We will probably go with simpler graphics if we ever get around to it. Posted below is what I‘ve done so far.

UPDATE: 7-15-2024 Well, Jayme and I have continued working on the table top…

If you have any questions or comments, please email me at themythfits@gmail.com.


316) Motley’s Crew…


314) Mother Goose & Grimm Animated…