108) The Batman…

Batman page by Mark Badger

Batman page by Mark Badger

I remember being rather excited when the Batman TV series premiered in January of 1966. I was a sophomore in high school, an avid comic book fan and collector, and certainly a nerd. I enjoyed the show and watched it religiously because, at that time, any representation of favorite comic book characters on television seemed a great boon.

My appreciation of the series has not survived the decades since its debut. It’s too camp. While I like my Batman a little edgier now, I don’t like the psychopathic interpretation that some creators have produced. At this point there are so many versions of the character that one can choose which iteration best suits them. Batman, The Animated Series (1992-1995) and the CGI Batman (2013) come close to satisfying my Dark Knight appetite. The clips I’ve seen of the new Batman movie, starring Robert Pattinson, look promising. It’s supposed to be released in October of this year, but if the pandemic still has a stranglehold on society, maybe it’ll be on HBOMAX.

Wonder Woman 1984 was streaming recently on HBOMAX. I liked parts and hated parts. I thought there was a good movie in there somewhere, if only it had been judiciously edited. I really enjoy Gal Gadot in the lead role and some of the action sequences were wonderfully staged, but the film got bogged down with its cumbersome storyline.

I am looking forward to Zack Snyder’s Justice League. While I’ve had issues with his work, he is way more visually imaginative than Joss Whedon. 

Oh my, I’m still a nerd.

If you have any questions or comments, please email me at themythfits@gmail.com.


109) Superman…


107) CATHY…