gary goldstein

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99) Family Dog…

Family Dog storyboard sample

Yet another failed project that I was briefly aligned with was a series that was an offshoot of Brad Bird’s Family Dog episode of Amazing Stories. It was being produced by Steven Spielberg with  Tim Burton supposedly overseeing the project. It turned out that Burton was off doing some other project, so the crew was managed by the line producers. So, for a few weeks I storyboarded a couple sequences and reworked a section that had been boarded by a veteran board artist who had the foresight to leave the project. The high point was being told that Spielberg liked what I had done. The low point would soon follow.

Many weeks into the project, the whole storyboard department was told that Tim Burton had returned and decided that he didn’t like the direction the show had taken. If we so desired, we would be transferred to other departments until the issues were sorted out. I did not desire to do this and left to pursue other work. The series was plagued with production problems and received very negative reviews. Brad Bird, creator of the original Family Dog, was not involved with the project as he felt it would not make a good series. He was right.

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