177) Edge City…

Edge City by Terry & Patty LeBan 6-28-2009

Edge City by Terry & Patty LeBan 6-28-2009

Edge City was a sweet strip that had a respectable run from 2000 to 2016. Terry LeBan, cartoonist and co-author (with his wife, Patty) best described the strip as follows: Edge City is a daily comic strip, internationally syndicated by King Features, that satirizes modern family life through the eyes of a post-Baby Boomer, Jewish-American family. It concentrates on the relationship between Abby, a therapist in private practice, and Len, a aging urban hipster who co-owns a delivery service and plays in a weekend rock band, as they juggle the pressures of running their careers and dealing with their two kids, Colin, ten, and Carly, eight. There are also a number of peripheral characters, like Rajiv, Len’s Indian-American partner and Abby’s parents. The strip generally takes the form of simple stories that last about two weeks and explore some kind of issue or incident, like Abby having insomnia or Len joining a Led Zeppelin cover band.

If you have any questions or comments, please email me at themythfits@gmail.com


178) Frederick Burr Opper…


176) Mystery Strip…