203) Concerned…

Well, the New Year has begun. I sorted through all the unsolicited calendars I had received from various organizations, trying to decide which to use, which to throw away, and which sender warranted a donation. 

I settled on a calendar from The Union of Concerned Scientists because the accompanying pictures were cartoons rather than landscapes or cuddly animals. So I started going through it to mark important upcoming dates, but when I got to December, I saw that 12/31/2022 was missing and the preview month of January 2023 was mislabeled as 2022 

Just how concerned are these scientists that send out faulty calendars? They’re not concerned enough to proofread? Or are they telling us that there will be no December 31, 2022? Do they know something we don’t? In my meager attempt to be optimistic, I added the 31st myself.

If you have any questions or comments, please email me at themythfits@gmail.com


204) Daily Doodles…


202) Happy Holidays…