204) Daily Doodles…

Part of my daily routine is spent doodling. I enjoy doodling to work out ideas and brainstorm on other matters, but often as not, it’s just playing around. I particularly like using my iPad Pro as it allows me to have fun with colors and textures as well as different line qualities. The iPad also allows me to do finished drawings, taking the place of my dead Wacom tablet, connecting seamlessly to my desktop iMac via the Sidecar app.

Most of my doodles, however, have no significance beyond the play of that moment. Maybe a psychoanalyst could discern some hidden meaning?

So, here for your perusal, is one of my random doodles. Perhaps I’ll post more in future blog entries.

If you have any questions or comments, please email me at themythfits@gmail.com


205) Advice Ignored…


203) Concerned…