280) Oh, The Horror…

Over the years I’ve had discussions with family, friends and acquaintances about horror movies/television. I enjoy the classic horror films like Frankenstein, Dracula, The Mummy, etc., and more modern efforts like Let the Right One In, The Exorcist, A Quiet Place, and The Sixth Sense. I’m not particularly a fan of slasher flicks, through I liked the original Nightmare on Elm Street and the first Scream film. There certainly are a lot of really crappy films in the horror genre.

Inevitably the question is posed, “What’s the most frightening sequence you’ve ever seen in a film or television production?” Well, my answer is posted below.

Yeah, I know, Cabaret is not a horror movie, but this sequence horrified me when I first saw it in 1972 and continues to send a shiver down my spine with every viewing. It is especially frightening in the current political climate with Trumpers and the radical right wing goose stepping over our freedoms, the rule of law and common decency.

If you have any questions or comments, please email me at themythfits@gmail.com.


281) Animal Crackers…


279) More Hawthorne…