214) Arnold…

Arnold by Kevin McCormick 6-29-1983

Arnold was an oddball comic strip by Kevin McCormick that ran from 1982 to 1988. Arnold, the star of the strip, was a strange boy who spouted weird and wild comments directed toward the supporting cast. There were only four other characters that ever appeared in the strip during the six years of publication. There was the teacher, Mr. Lester; Arnold’s only friend, Tommy; baby brother, Sidney (a late addition to the strip); and classmate, Heather (who disappeared early in the strip’s run). McCormick ended the strip by having Arnold carried off a giant bird.

While Arnold was not a great success in its time, it still has a following of those who appreciated its humor.

Kevin McCormick became a pastor.

If you have any questions or comments, please email me at themythfits@gmail.com


215) Led by a Snake…


213) Talking Babies…