213) Talking Babies…

“Talking” babies are a pretty common joke telling gimmick in the cartoon realm. Usually their “talk” is in the form of thought balloons that display a sophistication and awareness beyond their chronological years. Examples of such characters include Trixie in Dik Browne’s Hi & Lois, Sheldon Mayer’s Sugar and Spike in DC Comics, Thatababy by Paul Trip, Daddy Daze by John Kovaleski, and, of course, Nickelodeon’s animated Rugrats.

And then there’s Marvin by Tom Armstrong. Marvin, created in 1982, is currently a forty year old baby. Posted below is an original strip from my collection.

MARVIN by Tom Armstrong 7-29-1986

If you have any questions or comments, please email me at themythfits@gmail.com


214) Arnold…


212) Roger Bradfield…