244) Girls & Sports…

Original Girls & Sports by Feinstein and Borus date unknown

Girls & Sports was a comic strip created/written/drawn by Justin Borus and Andrew Feinstein that was self-syndicated to various college newspapers from 1997 to 2006 until it was picked up by Creators Syndicate for national distribution. Fox Sports featured some animated shorts of Girls & Sports for their Best Damn Sports Show Period program in the summer of 2008.

I met Andrew Feinstein at a cartoonists’ gathering in San Diego a number of years ago and he kindly gifted me with with some of his work.

The strip revolved around the escapades of Bradley and Marshall, two friends who were constantly pursuing women and were obsessed with sports. Hence the title of the strip. Duh!

The strip struggled along until 2011. One book titled Opening Lines, Pinky Probes and L-Bombs: The Girls & Sports Dating and Relationship Playbook was published in 2006. Feinstein has gone on to become a successful entrepreneur.

Original Girls & Sports by Feinstein and Borus date unknown

If you have any questions or comments, please email me at themythfits@gmail.com.


245) Jerry Bittle…


243) Stromoski…