gary goldstein

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256) Another Unfinished Project…

Jayme and I have a pine wood dining room table that we’ve owned for a gazillion years. It’s sturdy and comfortable to sit around, but after all these years it’s a little beat up and stained. Some time ago we decided that it might be worthwhile to refinish the top, maybe do something creative that reflects us.

Lazy Susan by Jayme Adelson-Goldstein

We thought it might be nice to woodburn some design on it and highlight with touches of color. To practice the technique we started by woodburning a couple of lazy susans. I never got around to coloring mine, but Jayme did a beautiful job on her creation.

Unfinished Lazy Susan by Gary Goldstein (based on a model from King Features)

Now, many years later, we have just started to actually work on the table. It’s quite a project to undertake and may require many more years to complete as other projects demand our attention.

For now we just throw a tablecloth over the whole thing.

If you have any questions or comments, please email me at