371) Happy New Year?
While 2024 may contain moments of happiness, there are a lot of challenges ahead.
Tyrant Trump and his minions of malicious misinformed MAGA morons will continue to try to destroy democracy.
Nefarious Netanyahu will continue to ferment antisemitism around the world with his fascistic and inhumane treatment of innocent Palestinians, collateral damage in his war with Hamas.
Pathological Putin will continue his war against the people of Ukraine in his mad grab for more power.
Corrupt Corporations will continue to put profits before people and pay their executives obscenely high salaries while the work force struggles to survive.
This list could go on and on.
So, my wish for the New Year is that we face these challenges and succeed in overcoming them.
Oh yeah, and Trump Stinks. It’s the smell of corruption of body and soul..
If you have any questions or comments, please email me at themythfits@gmail.com