148) Betty…
Betty, by Canadian creators Gerry Rasmussen & Gary Delainey, is an unpretentious little strip that is one of my favorites. It focuses on the daily life and adventures of Betty, an average middle class working wife and mother. The humor is gentle and amusing, addressing issues of modern family life, social trends and social foibles. Rasmussen’s drawing style is quite engaging and Delainey’s writing is spot on relatable.
Rasmussen and Delainey, created Bub Slug in 1976. Bub’s wife, Betty, appeared in the strip, but didn’t become a regular cast member until Bub Slug appeared in the Edmonton Journal in 1985. United Feature Syndicate liked the strip and asked the creators to retool it. Betty appeared as its own feature in 1991 and continues to this day distributed by the Andrews McMeel Syndicate.
If you have any questions or comments, please email me at themythfits@gmail.com