gary goldstein

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282) SuperMansion…

Most mornings I’m on my stationary bike for about an hour. I don’t enjoy exercising, never have, never will, but I know some exercise is necessary to keep healthy. With a stationary bike I can watch something streaming on my iPad while I work out, making the activity somewhat less tedious. While I’ve watched a variety of programs, I tend to pick shows that don’t demand much mental challenge. After all, it’s early in the morning and I still feel a bit groggy from sleep.

A few weeks back I stumbled upon a show that was perfect for my morning routine called SuperMansion. It’s a parody of the Superhero genre produced by some of the same talents that created Robot Chicken. While it’s funny and often a bit crass, it’s story arc is really very good, comparable to some “serious” stories I’ve read in comic books. Bryan Cranston and Chris Pine lead a group of fine voice talent. Posted below is sampling of the series. It was originally created for Crackle, but is now available on Prime Video.

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