340) The Norm…

Original The Norm by Michael Jantze date unknown

The Norm by Michael Jantze was syndicated by King Features Syndicate from 1996 until 2004 when Jantze decided to further develop the strip as an online feature.

Jantze’s reboot of the strip gave it a broader story arc. The lead character, Norm (Theodore Norman Miller), transitioned from a single, insecure graphic designer who dealt with friends, co-workers, dating and technology to an insecure married man with two children.

Michael Jantze is a very talented cartoonist with a pleasing style. He is also an accomplished animator and has created a number of animated vignettes featuring characters from other comic strips as well as videos of his own creations . Some of his works can be found on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/@Jantze/videos.

If you have any questions or comments, please email me at themythfits@gmail.com


341) Tank McNamara…


339) Dave Gerard…